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Thursday June 14th 2007
9:00     Registration
            (ground floor ECE)
9:30     Welcome and introduction
            Rui Vieira de Castro, Michal Bron Jr, Andreas Fejes
            (room Grande Auditório ECE)
10:00   Changing relationships between the state, civil society and the citizen:
            some initial thoughts about their implications for adult education
            and adult learning
            Jim Crowther, Ian Martin
            (room Grande Auditório ECE)
10:45   Coffee Break (ground floor ECE)

Paper Session (room CE0019)
Workshop Session (room CE0021)
Reshaping the relationship between the
State and the civil society. The case of adult education and training courses in Portugal
Paula Guimarães
The World Social Forum as a place for learning
Sérgio Haddad
The use of the official pedagogical
discourse by adult education agents in
the context of NGO’s work
Armando Loureiro, Artur Cristóvão
The implications of a new legislation in Flanders as a facilitator for a new relationship between the State, civil society and the citizen in organising adult education and training
Luc Bogaerts
Local spaces for citizenship and learning.
Projects on the peripherial communities,
citizenship and learning
Ewa Kurantowicz
(Re)invention and (re)creation of practice in new contexts of adult education
João Francisco de Souza

12:30   Lunch

Paper Session (room CE0019)
Paper Session (room CE0021)
Lifelong learning: case study of adult
students in Portuguese Technological
Schools and Higher Education
Ana Maria R. Correia, Dulce M. de Sá,
Ana Cristina Costa, Anabela M. Sarmento
Evaluation and accountability in the third sector organizations. The case of the associations with initiatives in the field of adult education and training
Almerindo J. Afonso, Paula Guimarães
Changing educational cultures and HE
professionals' experience of system
change in East Germany after 1989
Rob Evans
Deep Citizenship and Adult Education. Is there a Relation Between Life-Long Learning and Virtuous Character – and Should There Be?
Byron Kaldis
Liberal Adult Education as an
organisational ideology
Ola Larsson
Evaluating Canada's First Public Housing Conversion into a Tenant Managed Housing Co-operative
Jorge Sousa
Literacy and Radio Cars. Reading
and Writing as Market Goods in the
Context of Adult Education in
Work Place
Maria de Lourdes Dionísio,
Rui Vieira de Castro
The Portuguese State, the NGO’s and their concern for the homeless
Susana Pereira da Silva

16:30   Coffee Break
16:45   Cosmopolicity and Adult Education in the Era of Globalisation
            Carlos Vilar Estêvão
            (room Grande Auditório ECE)
Friday June 15th 2007
9:30     Education, Citizenship and Civil Society: New Meanings and New
            Manuel Barbosa
            (room Grande Auditório ECE)
10:15   Coffee Break

Paper Session (room CE0019)
Paper Session (room CE0021)
Participatory Citizenship. Reflections
on the Participatory Budget and
Adult Education
Emilio Lucio-Villegas, António Fragoso,
Ana García
Elements for an understanding of European Union production in terms of “Recognition and Valorization of Experience as learning modality"
Vera Centeno
The Community School of
São Miguel de Machede:
A decade of Learning
Bravo Nico, Lurdes Pratas Nico,
Joana Silva
Conception of citizen, state and civil society in the European discourses on adults’ education and formation
Manuela Terrasêca, Teresa Medina,
João Caramelo
Linking local and global citizenship.
Every Action Counts: a critical analysis
Rennie Johnston
Constructing the worthy citizen in the OECD: the adult learner in the inclusive liberal state
Judith Walker
Educative animation in rural
settings and development
José Alberto Correia, João Caramelo
Active citizenship and lifelong learning – governing in an age of neoliberal rule
Andreas Fejes

12:30   Lunch

Paper Session (room CE0019)
Paper Session (room CE0021)
Changes in psychological
empowerment of low-qualified adults
participating in Adult Education
and Training
Isabel P. Gomes, Joaquim L. Coimbra,
Isabel Menezes
ANEFA (1999-2002): a turning point in the Portuguese Adult Education
Rui Canário, Luís Sebastião
Uncovering the voices of adult students
from the evening classes: a case study
Carlos Badalo, Margarida César
Understanding lifelong learning in Estonia – voices from experts, decision makers and adult learners
Larissa Jõgi, Katrin Karu, Marin Gross, Kristiina Krabi,Tiina  Jääger
Environmental Education and curricular
(co)construction: Contributions towards
the (re)invention of life projects of adults
with limited schooling
Conceição Courela, M. César
Learning to be a citizen. On civic competences of adult Poles - an overview of research
Michal Bron Jr.
Good practices for new environments
Maria Padrós, Laura Ruiz,
Itxaso Tellado
State and Civil Society Partnership:  Sceneries and Perspectives of a Program of Adult Education in Rural Areas, in Brazil
Eliane Dayse P. Furtado, Sandra Maria G. de Carvalho

16:30   Coffee Break

Paper Session (room CE0019)
Workshop Session (room CE0021)
“Pertinence” and “Democratisation” in
the learning processes: a case-study
on the EFA Courses
Helena Luísa M. Quintas
Paradoxes of Citizenship: or the story of an Adult Educator that once was a citizenship trainer but now is no longer recognised competent for the job!
Cidália Rebelo
On the promotion of citizenship
in the family:The role of adult
education to prepare mothers
and fathers to be better models
Cristina Vieira
Adult Education and Equal Opportunities
Teresa Sarmento, Fernando Ilídio Ferreira
DEMOS project
Antra Carlsen, John Steen Johansen

20:00   Seminar Dinner
Saturday June 16th 2007

Workshop Session (room CE0019)
Paper Session (room CE0021)
Policies and practices of training and
development in big companies.
Present situation and future perspectives
Alda Bernardes
(Re-)Building Adult Education Through Transnational Cooperation
Pelle Aberg
Policies and dynamics of training
in the context of a big enterprise in the
Commerce and Distribution’s sector
Alda dos Santos Neves
(Re)readings of the Portuguese process of Recognition and Validation of Competences: Personal and communitarian implications of the “New Opportunities”
Luís Alcoforado & Sónia M. Nogueira
Adult training in Portuguese enterprises: accomplishment, impacts and changes
Belmiro Gil Cabrito
State and Adult Education in Brazil.
Consensus and dispute between
conceptions and practice of agents of
civil society nowadays 
Sonia M. Rummert, Jaqueline P. Ventura

11:30   Coffee Break
11:45   Changing Relationships between the State, the civil society  and the
            Panel with Michal Bron Jr and Licínio C. Lima, co-ordinated by
            Barry J. Hake
            (room Grande Auditório ECE)
12:45   Closing Session
            Rui Vieira de Castro, Michal Bron Jr
            (room Grande Auditório ECE)

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